Hi everybody
My name is Hugo , I live in France in Rennes. I'm 16 years old and I play AC for approximately 2 years.
My favorite activity in real life is drums (I have a band : HumanJoke
). I can play 4 or 5 hours in a day (like assaultcube
) !
My history in assaultcube began in |JRML| clan. I stayed 3 or 4 months if I remember well... Our best member has been banned for no reason (Method). Some weeks after that, the team closed : I went to the old =AW= ! It was good time, there were good players and a nice level. The team finished to die and I went to the Cubers Society. First, I have been to .GuS"| team because I had not the level to be a real .cS"|... One month after being GuS, I've been accepted in the real Cubers Society : That was one of my best time in AC
. The team died, I went to IAF and OnLy3 and now, I'm here with the two guys I'm the most close with
: AlienWare !!