Hi people.
My name is Julien , i live in France in Toulon. I'm 17 years old and I play AC since near than 2 years.
I'm fond of mapping and making stuffs on AC like videos, memes, funny screenshots, glitching bots...
You'll have problems if you want to see me in-game cause i often play under aliases but you can also find me on IRC or TeamSpeak 3.
I'm a mapper, i made some maps like ac_swamp or ac_sylang ac_cavern and ac_palenque (who won the 5th AssaultCube mapping contest).
I never hide what i think (some people call that as trolling) and i am proud of it, but i know that sometimes it goes far (rage, insults...).
I started with a little clan where i was the founder : AlienWare (=AW= was the second best French clan when i left it and we already were a mapping clan)
After this i applyed to |BC| but i was a noob and i realised that i havn't the level for so i decided to close my apply.
So i went to Cubers Society (.cS"|* the best French clan) where i stayed around 6 months and learned all i know about playing skills.. After 2 long months of inactivity in .cS"|* i get an invite from Impakt'd to apply |oNe|, that's what i did and i stayed |oNe| during 10 months.
I left the clan to make AlienWare reborn, hope it will be as fun as the old AlienWare!