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 Read first!

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Messages : 435
Date d'inscription : 2011-07-03
Age : 30
Localisation : France

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PostSubject: Read first!   Read first! I_icon_minitimeFri 3 Feb - 12:24

In first, thank you for your interest in joining our clan.

Here is the template:


What is your in-game name:
What is your timezone:
How old are you:
Favourite mode(s):
Favourite map(s):
Favourite weapon(s):
How long you've played:
Contact (IRC/TS/forum):
Room mate(s):
What are your previous clans/current clan:
Have you ever been blacklisted (and why):
Why do you want to Join us:
Show us some screenshots/demos of you playing at your best:

Hacking or any form of cheat is obviously not allowed.
We don't accept players who use modified scopes (even if the scope is hardcoded since the 1.1), other debug commands (/dbg...) and anything who can make the game unfair like brighskins.

Once your topic created, we will discuss about your application with the clan.
It can take a while (if we don't know you for exemple) but speaking with us on Teamspeak or on the forum will speed up your application.

At the end of your apply and if you are denied, you are free to re-apply some months latter if the recruitment is open.

Don't immediately wear the tag if any AW member said it, you could be blacklisted for inpersonnations and your application will be denied for sure.

If you are accepted you must wear the tag before your name like this:


Good luck. Wink
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